Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yellow Card

So I don't have a picture to go with this post, but felt I should share. Keaton's birthday is on Friday. I e-mailed his teacher to find out how many kids are in the class and to find out what treat would be best to send. She e-mailed me back letting me know that she was very aware that his birthday was this Friday. "He is so EXCITED!!!!! So excited that he can't stop talking about it and had to turn his card to yellow today" she informed me. Oops - what would you expect from Keaton. To top it off - he didn't even tell us about it - we had to pry it out of him. He had no problem telling Tanner as soon as he finished football practice. "Hey Tanner - I turned my card today" All proud - like it was a right of passage. Man - what are we going to do with this kid???!!!

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