Well it has happened - both of my boys started school yesterday. Next year I will be done paying for daycare for good. Hooray!! Tanner was up and ready 30 minutes early. Keaton, on the other hand, took his own sweet time. He refused to eat breakfast - HE WASN'T HUNGRY! He made sure I knew. I tried to tell him he wasn't going to get to eat until snack, but he didn't seem to care. He ate breakfast this morning though- no argument - maybe he actually got hungry yesterday =) He gets to stay for afternoon campus club today - so he opted to have hot lunch - he was so excited for that. Tanner HAD to have hot lunch - he left his lunchbox at school - hopefully he finds it today. Tanner really likes his teacher, who is also the football coach. I asked how football practice went yesterday - he said "tiring".

I said was it fun?? He repeated "tiring". We will see how it goes. He was up and ready again today, eager to take all of his gear to school. I will post more about football later when I get the pictures from the camcorder.

Keaton loves all of it. He told me about all of his new friends. Except none of them have names yet AND he let me know that Mrs. Smith said NO LOVE at school. He told me that this is a good thing because Skyler is in his class and she is from preschool and she wanted to marry him. SOOO he said that Mrs. Smith told the whole class NO LOVE so then it was okay to play with Skyler at recess because of the rule - they could just be friends =)

They both found their friends at school. Keaton's best buddy, Nick, is in 1st grade this year and he was soooo excited to see him at school. It was the best picture that I got of him all morning.

Tanner found his buds as well, all of them are playing football, except one of them. They were all in the same kindergarten class - it has been fun to watch them all grow throughout the years. Funny thing- all of their moms are teachers.