SOOOO this is for you
Kennah - I know I promised that I would post yesterday but it just didn't happen =) The boys had a great time picking out Halloween costumes this year. We decided to look online before we braved the Halloween store - I really didn't feel like wondering aimlessly through the store. I told them that they were going to have to decide on costumes before we got to the store. While we were looking online at Star Wars costumes - Obi-Won
Kabobi - as Keaton likes to call him - Keaton busted out with " I think I just want to be John McCain" I said "Huh??? Why do you want to be John McCain?" (Not knowing that he even knew who was running for president) He responded with "Cause I don't like Obama" I asked "Why?" He replied " Cause he wants to raise gas prices" I asked " Who told you that?" He replied " Nickelodeon" There you have it!! The power of television.
So the boys finally decided on costumes - man boy costumes are tough if you don't want to be something dark or gory. Keaton decided on a policeman "Cause the costume came with a whistle" and Tanner decided on a caveman - he saw the wig at the Halloween store and we came home and made the outfit based on that. Luckily it was pretty warm here this year because he was fighting me tooth and nail about having to wear a
long sleeve shirt with his costume.

Before we bought our house we used to trick or treat every year with our bestest friends, the Hiatts. This past summer they lost their home to a fire and are currently renting. We felt it fitting to trick or treat together like old times this year. Man the kids have grown and multiplied. When we started doing this we only had Tanner and some of the couples weren't even married or didn't have any kids yet. We had a great time. Thanks to Missy and Todd for throwing another awesome party in true Hiatt fashion!! Here are some picks of all of the kids.

Here are a few snap shots from trick or treating.

And for those of you really wanting to feel old. Here is a picture of Madison and Taylor. (The
flower girls from our wedding) I took this picture after
Tay got home from cheering at a football game and before she
disappeared to a party. I had to track Maddy down out front with her friends. It's hard to catch these two in the same place these days.

what a fun night! the cave man costume was my favorite.
Looks like Tanner won the war on "to wear a shirt under the costume or to not wear the shirt under the costume." It was great. I totally giggled when he was at the front door.
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